light, gentle touch

support, listening, release

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a type of light touch bodywork that can help to release tensions deep in the body. It can relieve pain and stress and allow the body to relax and self-correct. It can create dynamic improvements in your life.

CST works with the craniosacral system - the bones, soft tissues and fluid that surround and support your brain and spinal cord. The craniosacral system can have huge impact on the central nervous system and thereby direct influence over your health and wellbeing.

Because the touch is gentle it can be effective for all ages and a variety of problems. It can help to release the stresses and strains of daily life as well assist recovery from physical injuries and emotional trauma. It is also increasingly used as a preventative health measure to keep us well.

Stress, backache, headaches…

CST can help with a range of health problems including headaches, hormonal imbalances, musculoskeletal issues and digestive problems. I work with all kinds of things but particularly I might be able to help with stress, tension, anxiety, chronic tiredness as well as backache and joint pain.

What to expect from a session…

Sessions last up to an hour (a little longer on the first session so that we can discuss your health) and you remain fully clothed. You will relax on a comfortable treatment table.

I will begin by evaluating the rhythm and motion of your craniosacral system before carrying out some delicate and precise manual techniques, primarily at the head (cranium) and lower back (sacrum).

Your experience of a treatment is highly individual and often changes every time. Typically, people report feelings of localised warmth, and tissue softening - generally they feel relaxed.

The Upledger perspective is that you, the client, are always in charge and that your body has its own ‘inner treatment plan’ – its just up to me to assist you in following it!

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Treatments

Book a treatment

Upledger CST was first developed by the American Dr John Upledger (1932-2012) and built on the work of earlier physicians and cranial osteopaths such as William Garner Sutherland (1873-1954) . Upledger originally coined the word ‘craniosacral’ to describe the physiological structures that produce and enable a rhythm that he observed while assisting in spinal surgery. Upledger called this rhythm the ‘craniosacral rhythm’ and saw it as being created within the ‘craniosacral system’: structures that enable this are the meningeal membranes that surround and support the brain and spinal cord, the bones of the head to which they attach and the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain. Recent research by Dr Thomas Rosenkilde Rasmussen and Karl Christian Meulengracht (2021) exploring rhythmic oscillations of the human head has observed and further characterised this so-called ‘third rhythm’ separate to arterial and respiratory rhythm.
